Let’s get it out of the way – 2020 sucked.
The Covid-19 pandemic caused many challenges all over the world. Besides the sickness and death, we also have to face the economic difficulties that much of the lockdown and social distancing measures caused. These altogether have made the near future very uncertain.
While I have been extremely lucky (and I do mean lucky) that I continued to be employed during this time and to a large extent, not been affected negatively, I feel some survivor’s guilt in that others have not been as lucky. I should be doing more to help, and it can’t just be donating money and giving hampers. Something more sustainable is required. Just don’t know what.
Covid-19 took my cousin early. Someone who has been like a big brother to me all my life. And life virtually has gone on. Everyone has their problems to deal with.
But this has caused me to question what is important and whether in really making the best use of my time here. I don’t feel like I am. I do not feel as though I’m really in a place I need to be. I was already in an existential crisis before Covid-19 hit, which has only served to raise the questions even more.
2020 also showed us who we really are. Strong, weak, selfish, generous, optimistic, pessimistic. In the crisis, we saw the choices people made. And they all would have a rationale for it. I’m not here to cast judgement on what is good or bad, since not even society could effectively do that.
My hope is that 2021 shows us how strong and resilient we can be, and that it shows us a different way we can structure our society so that we can all prosper, even in a pandemic.
Happy new year.