When I had my small health scare a few months ago, I thought it had allowed me to gather what was truly important. But even after that, I’m still struggling to figure out what I consider truly important.
While the politically correct answer would be my family, if I were honest with myself, I would say that they’re not the most important thing. It feels weird to say, but I need to be honest. I do think it’s essential that I provide for them, I just don’t believe they are the most important thing.
But if they’re not, that what is? I’d like to say myself, but even that is not true. I consider myself an ends to a means, but not the means itself. I don’t feel wrong about that one.
I feel as though truly accomplishing something significant might be it, but this seems like such a big thing. Not to mention the odds of failure is pretty close to 1. So maybe I could find something not so big to be my most important thing.
I guess family is it for now then.