It’s the end of our fiscal year, and doing my end of year reports have me feeling down.
Another year has passed and I don’t feel as though I’ve made the kind of impact that I’m usually accustomed to.
You see, almost everywhere I’ve worked I would do something big, whether it’s a big project, implement something new, change processes, or start new service offerings, it would have made a significant impact.
But not this time around.
This time I’m being tested in ways that I’ve never been before. I don’t know if it’s because I’m losing my edge, or that I’m just out of my league, to begin with. Perhaps I’ve been out of the corporate world for too long to function here.
But I’ve always been adaptable. So what’s different?
I don’t know.
Maybe it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Just before I came back into corporate life, most people around me (I would mostly be around other business owners) would say that they just can’t see themselves doing that.
Did that under my skin? Planted a seed in my consciousness all inception like?
I don’t know that either.
But I do know that I’m tired of this feeling.
It’s up to me to get over this. To make the changes necessary to do something about it.
This is my last hurrah. The chance to go out with a bang.
I mean, what have I got to lose?
I would rather fail gloriously than not venture, not try.
— Anthony Bourdain