Today I tried a mini dopamine detox – I avoided any stimulating activity for four hours or so. It’s also called a dopamine fast, which is a misnomer as you’re really fasting from any stimulation. So during the time, I didn’t have my phone, a book, or even someone to talk to. I just sat, or laid, by myself with my thoughts, and a little meditation in between.
I thought I would feel energised afterwards, but I felt a little tired instead. Plus, I had a mild headache. I don’t know how you’re supposed to feel later, but I wasn’t expecting that.
I did feel less of a need to check my phone. It was not the same for YouTube, which I ended up watching for almost the rest of the evening.
On the whole, I don’t think I made much of a difference, but I did enjoy the time by myself not being distracted by things to do. It’s probably just a fad, and we would likely benefit more from longer meditative sessions.
Now, if someone could guide me into how I can quiet my mind, I would appreciate that.