I could never understand the allure of motivational speakers. I know a few people that lose their shit over all of those motivational speeches and videos on YouTube. And I would usually see them and turn off after thirty seconds.
I’ve listened to motivational speakers than Tony Robbins and wonder what kind of value do people get from these guys? The environment pumps you up, but much of their works are of no value.
They must be doing something worthwhile given the following they have and the massive amounts of fees they can charge. Right?
Maybe I’m immune to their motivational mojo and could only find my motivation internally. But here’s the thing, real motivation is internal. If you depend on external stimulation for motivation, it is going to be short-lived.
The best way to be motivated is to set a realistic vision for yourself along with SMART goals and celebrate the small wins along the way.
Yes, there are times when you feel down, but once you are self-motivated, those times will be short-lived, not your motivation.