I’m a planner.
I tend to look at an activity and map out everything that needs to happen to get it completed. Sometimes this hurts me because I see all the work in one go, and get overwhelmed. But I’ve since trained myself to focus only on the next item and that item alone.
Planning comes easily to me.
This is not something I learned, but something that I’ve always done. So it bothers me that others just don’t seem to have that ability. They just seem to do things as they come. Like some sort of psychopath.
I plan everything.
My life was planned from studying, having a family, getting a job, etc., etc. Not all went according to plan, but much did. This is also a curse as I cannot be spontaneous. If someone calls me up and say, “Let’s go to the beach,” I just can’t, even if all I had planned to tidy up my desk. I need some notice so I can set myself up.
Plans have helped me succeed.
It has allowed me to gain success and navigate the failures. I’m no millionaire, but I’m doing okay and not suffering. I think others will be more successful if they plan for it as well. You may know where you want to go, but if you don’t know how to get there, how will you reach?
So go put some plans in place.
Plan to sit down somewhere. Be specific – time and place. Have all your writing materials already available. Start writing some goals and charting the way towards them. Note possible obstacles and how you plan to overcome them. Then take that first step.
We’ll meet up when you get there.