For a long time, I’ve been an early to bed, and early to rise kind of guy. However, recently this has gone out the door.
With my job as it is, and me struggling to make progress on my Master’s thesis, I’ve been spending far more late hours just trying to do a few minutes of work. Not to mention writing a blog entry, and reading a bit; both habits with which I’m trying to keep up.
Getting up early used to be a thing that I used to look forward to. I would get up and exercise, read or meditate – something to get my day started right. Now, it’s get up and get going out the door. So I don’t start the day “right”. They say the most successful people get up early, don’t they?
This was bothering me for a while. On the one hand, I need the extra time in evenings to get my important things done, but on the other, getting the morning started “right” was important too.
It took some time to be okay with losing that part of me that identified as an “early riser”, as getting my Master’s thesis completed was more important and this time. Plus, it’s only temporary, and I could get back to that routine once this is all finished.
In the end, I chose to work on my thesis and forget about the early rising stuff for now.
Now, I just need to find a way to squeeze in an extra hour of sleep. These late hours are hard.