Engagement in the workplace continues to be a big thing in organisations. It’s still a hip thing for human resources departments everywhere to be pushing.
For those who don’t know, employee engagement is where employees feel connected to the company and workplace so that they continue to be highly productive and do more. It’s been a management fad since the 1990s and continues to this day. Annual surveys come out attempting to measure employee engagement, while managers are pushed to implement initiatives to increase engagement.
But let’s get it straight, it’s less about the wellbeing of the employee and more about the contribution to the bottom line. I can’t help but find the approach hypocritical in many cases.
I believe if we treat people right, challenge them enough and help them grow, then they will be engaged. If we ensure their work is purposeful and fulfilling, they should want to continue to work, right?
I know for sure that engagement does not happen when you mandate attendance to “team-building” events. Or surreptitiously monitor people’s contributions to office events.
I don’t know; they didn’t teach me that in school.
During this time of COVID-19, it might be useful to implement some things to ensure the wellbeing of your people, and at the same time get some engagement from them.
- Implement flexible work policies to allow work from home or flexitime.
- Be understanding of parents who have kids at home and need to stay with them.
- Think about the health of those high-risk persons and ensure they don’t have to put themselves at unnecessary risks.
- Keep communication lines open for feedback and keep in touch with those not in the office.
- Be compassionate and they would be understanding in return.