It’s been 60 days since I started writing every day for my 60-day challenge.
So, has it become a habit? I would say yes.
I didn’t miss a day, even when I had nothing to write about, or the ideas weren’t flowing.
It helped that I would write around the same time every time, and right after dinner. And feel a little sense of satisfaction right after I click that publish button. This was a clear habit loop being formed.
And it worked.
But not only that it helped me to write regularly, but I’ve found that I would sometimes write ideas during the day. Many ideas I take note of in Meistertasks to write about later after leaving it to ferment a bit.
I also found myself a little more confident about my writing. Not that I believe that I write well, or that it has improved, but that I was okay putting myself out there. I even would send the posts over to Twitter.
I don’t get many views on my site, and I don’t expect many since I write about a whole bunch of random stuff. And who really wants to hear about the weird shit that I’m going through.
It still feels good to have done this over the past couple of months.
Am I going to keep doing it? Yes, I am.
I may never become popular, but I will get better.