Took a long drive into the countryside today by myself to visit my cousin.
I like taking long drives by myself sometimes, especially through the countryside. No radio. No books on tape. No air conditioning. Just driving in silence.
I find it extremely relaxing.
I used to find the task of driving for long periods daunting. But as I started to practice mindfulness, I started to instead be present and notice everything around me. It changed the way I feel when driving.
Now, I find myself noticing the beauty of things all around me, whether it’s the houses, trees, animals, or just the way the road winds. It’s interesting to see the types of businesses that are around or the types of activities that people find themselves being involved with.
Mindfulness changes many things if you keep practising.
I try to do this as well with all my daily tasks, however, I have not yet found myself with the same level of awe and success as I have when driving.
But I keep practising. Keep trying to remain present.
Maybe I should look for the beauty in whatever I’m doing. Perhaps the way the keys feel as I type. Maybe the typography of the fonts being used.
Or maybe the task will never feel the same way.
And maybe I just need to take more long drives by myself