My boss’ last day was today. He’s out on pre-retirement leave after taking early retirement.
He didn’t plan that.
He made the hard decision after spending three years in a position he didn’t feel comfortable being in. And given the transformational changes that have been happening, it was all too much.
It didn’t help that he had me as a direct report. I’m not an easy person to manage.
In the end, he decided that this was a better option than sticking around. I’m sure it was not an easy decision to make, especially after spending 22 years at a company.
Lots of them said my boss was lucky and wished they could do that too. Every day I see people complaining about the job and that they’d leave if they cloud. I’d ask why they can’t, and I’d always get the typical answer about obligations or whatnot.
I call BS. If someone really wanted to leave then they’d do so.
My boss understood his limits and decided to get out of the way. And for that, he’s much better off for it. And far braver than everyone else who says they wish they could leave but can’t.
I don’t know what he has planned now. I do hope he has one. And I wish him all the best.