People are a fickle bunch. They come in all forms, with their thoughts, beliefs, behaviours and habits.
All this is sometimes a problem in everyday life. Add an office and need to managing performance in the mix, and it’s another story.
As a manager or leader, your job is to help your team succeed. But this is not as easy at it seems.
When I first started as a manager, I thought that I could just set a direction, help people buy into an idea and move out of the way and see the magic happen.
Spoiler, this didn’t happen.
Instead, I got mistrust, uncertainty and lots of project slippages.
I had to spend a lot of time working with the team to build trust and understanding. Again, not as easy as it sounds, especially for me, who has low social skills and self-regulation elements of emotional intelligence.
I’ve spent much time building those skills only to leave only a small dent in the resultant changes.
But I still work on building the team.
I believe that there is no one like a bad employee. You might be a poor fit, but never bad.
All through my career, I’ve helped people through mentorship and coaching. I will always try to help people to succeed. I’ve seen many of these people become incredibly successful, some surpassing me.
You see, I believe that a rising tide raises all ships. I can bring others down so that I can rise, or I can raise everyone else and see us all rise together.
The crab in barrel mentality needs to stop. The workplace should not be a competition but a cooperation. Isn’t that why they call it an organisation?
Do your part to help others succeed.