My wife asked me today if I knew what my youngest daughter wanted to be when she grows up?
I didn’t know. She daughter wanted to tell me whenever I asked her.
She wants to be a YouTuber my wife said. She created a logo and everything.
I was a bit taken aback at this. I mean I knew she liked YouTube, but to be a YouTuber?
I kinda hoped she’d wanted to do be something a little more… well, professional.
I mean, what fraction of YouTubers make it well out there? Especially if coming from a small Caribbean country?
So I did what any Caribbean father would do… beat the idea out of her.
Just kidding.
I did a little reading, gave her some advice on the name, and set up a YouTube channel for her under my account.
She was so excited. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so thrilled about anything. She had questions and I told her to do some research and we can look at it some more tomorrow.
I don’t think she’s going to sleep tonight.
I’m still not very pleased about it. But I’m willing to support her while she figures out what she wants to be.
If at the end she does want to be a YouTuber, then it is what it is I suppose.
I’ll help her be one of the successful ones.