Yesterday I said that there is no one way to be successful. That all the advice from different people on the paths to take to lead a successful life is bull crap. That’s still true.
But there is one key element that is required to be successful regardless of what path you take.
You can have all the best plans in the world, but without execution, it will all be worthless.
A good plan, violently executed now is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.
George Patton
This was my downfall while running my business. I would spend days, weeks, months strategising and planning, but always failing to execute. It wasn’t that my strategy wasn’t good enough, or my plans weren’t up to scratch. My ability to execute was poor.
Having a vision for what you want is not enough. Vision without execution is hallucination.
Thomas A. Edison
Learn to keep executing. Every month. Every week. Every day. Just show up and do the work.
You may be scared. Your ego is at stake. Your reputation. What will people think of you? That’s what I thought.
I still have those thoughts now. Especially when I look back and my attempts.
I’m sure I don’t even register in those people’s memories now. But it still bothers me.
These thoughts kept me from executing. And still do.
But I will keep going.
Execution is key.