Last year was a taxing one. Taxing to my mind; taxing to my endurance; taxing to my patience.
The challenge of heading back to a corporate environment after being on my own for six years was more difficult than I had thought it would be.
I consider myself very adaptable, but I’m questioning that self-evaluation now.
What I hate about the environment:
- the constant urgent requests
- the endless, back-to-back meetings
- the feeling of not accomplishing anything
- working too hard for no commensurate reward
I’m still hanging in there, but I’m unsure of how long.
Looking back now I feel as though I’ve gained little over the past year. While I’ve “survived” the year, I don’t feel as though I’ve grown, learned something new, nor have I accomplished much. Heck, I didn’t even write a single post over the year.
Sure, I’m doing different things to what I was doing before, but I don’t feel as though these things are moving me closer to where I need to be, or want to be.
Up to now, when people ask me what I do, I hesitate to answer them. I don’t feel proud to say what I do like when I had my own business. There is a cloud of shame over me, as though I failed big time. I’ve even avoided networking and social events.
So, I am where I am right now, and I’ll make the best of this opportunity to gain skills in areas where I may not normally get the chance:
- influencing people to change their ways
- learn people skills and be less of an ass-hole
- improve my organisation skills and learn to prioritise and focus
- learn to disconnect from work
As for my plans for the year:
Master Focus and Time Management
I have terrible skills in applying focus and prioritising tasks. Procrastination often gets the best of me. But this time I’m going to beat it.
Starting tomorrow…
Master Python
I can program a bit in Python. But now I’m going to consume as much as I can and really master the language and build some real apps and get into DevOps and automation.
Learn Web Design
I’m not talking about building web pages, but understand the concepts of design. How to place elements to be aesthetically pleasing and functional. How to factor the user’s experience into web design. And learn to build those types of sites.
Learn to play the guitar
I’ve had this for some time, but never did it. But this time I will.
Start and run a WordPress web design business
I like the web design stuff. Perhaps I can make a little living off of it.
Just start
It’s time for me to stop waiting for things to be right to get started.
Just start dammit!